(408) 658-4292

dog nutritionist cat nutritionist holistic pet nutrition


Are the suggestions provided to me by Wellness Pet Care to replace my pet's visits to the vet?

No, the information Wellness Pet Care provides to you is for the nutrition and well being of your pet. I am not able to provide you with medical solutions, emergency medical advice or any veterinary advice. You might have less visits to the vet, but Wellness Pet Care is not a replacement for your pet's veterinarian.

Can any pet benefit from a wellness diet?

YES! Wellness measures are used to prevent disease and promote continual health. A pet who is healthy can definitely benefit from a wellness diet, to keep the pet from developing chronic problems later on in life. If a cat/dog is on a wellness diet from a young age, he/she should have a healthier life; the diet is a preventative measure and is for the benefit of the animal.

A wellness diet can also be very beneficial to a pet with chronic health problems, whether young or old. Through diet changes, a pet can experience less chronic symptoms or even become symptom free. Be proactive with your pet so that you can either prevent chronic symptoms from ever occurring, or you can help your pet lessen or rid the current chronic symptoms he/she has.

How can my pet benefit from the best nutrition and diet possible?

Whether your pet has health issues or is completely healthy, feeding your pet a wellness diet possible is one of the greatest acts of love you can give to your pet. A poor diet can be heavily related to chronic health issues. Eating right can help to balance weight, keep fur soft, support immune function, and can help to get rid of or keep your pet from having chronic health problems. Your pet will reward you with a great disposition, love and a happy life.

Why should I consider Wellness Pet Care for my cat or dog?

Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed are two reasons why choosing the right food for life for your pet can be complicated. There is so much opposing information, to know what is the best for your pet is difficult. Wellness Pet Care will save you time and money by recommending the right food and nutrition to give your pet.

If you have already tried to help your pet in all the traditional ways you know about and your pet is still having symptoms, then consider using Wellness Pet Care to give you suggestions that you can consider to be practical and in the best interests of your pet(s). I will not only give you suggestions about diet and nutrition, I will also educate you. You will then know why you should feed your pets the way I suggest, so you are encouraged to do it for life and feel empowered with the new knowledge provided to you. Help your pet have the best disposition possible.

What if my dog or cat will not eat the new food I put them on?

There are several suggestions I can make to you. I work with you to find the diet that is healthy and tasty for your pet. I can help you find the stores closest to you that carry or are willing to carry the diet I suggest. Most pets end up loving their new food more than the previous food they were eating. The biggest challenge can be finding the right flavor sometimes.

Will switching my pet's diet be an expensive cost to me?

Wellness Pet Care provides many options and suggestions for you based on your pet's needs and your budget. I do the research for you and help to make the transition for you and your pet(s) easy and as cost efficient as possible. The cost to you is not much and balances out; your pet could live a longer and happier life, with less possible visits to the vet.

Why do I need to fill out an evaluation form for each one of my pets?

Filling out an evalution helps Wellness Pet Care to be able to see your pet's individual needs. All dogs and cats are individuals and should not be placed in a category. I need to know how each pet is currently functioning and the history and background to make the best recommendations. The evaluation form helps me to keep a record of your pet. I can also refer to the form for future follow up visits if needed. Also, I need to know what kind of medications they might be on from the vet, so that I am aware and do not interfere with your vet's recommendations and medical advice.

Will my pet have any detox symptoms from a change in diet?

Your pet could experience brief sneezing spells, runny nose, runny eyes, irregular bowel movements, and some sorted flu like symptoms. This is from detoxification from a poor diet. The pet's body dumps toxins into the blood and can therefore cause symptoms of detox to be seen in the form of the symptoms listed above. These symptoms should not persist more than a few days and might come and go for a few weeks. If the symptoms persist please contact me. Also, make sure you transition the diet slowly over the course of one to two weeks, so that your pet does not throw up or have diarrhea.

Why should my pet change diet if the one they are on seems to be ok?

Because the symptoms your pet is experiencing could be related to the diet they are on. You might have never thought of this before but please consider this to be a possible reason or factor. Also, if your pet has no symptoms but you just want the best nutrition for your pet for maximum health, then Wellness Pet Care can help you find the best diet for your pet.

What type of results should I see in my pet and over what period of time?

The symptoms that you originally listed in your pet's evaluation form should reside and go away within a few days to a few weeks. Some detox symtoms might come and go during that time as the bad stuff clears your pet's body. You should see quick results within a few days to a month or so. All animals are different and heal at different rates, but the goal of Wellness Pet Care is to give your pet the best health and nutrition with undeniable results.

This information is based on health and nutrition research and does not claim to be associated with veterinary medicine or anything medical.