(408) 658-4292

Evaluation Fee

Initial evaluation: $65 one time fee, including evaluation of your pet's nutrition and wellness history. If you have two or more pets to be evaluated then the first pet is $65 and every other one is FREE.

Follow up Visits: Follow up visits are FREE. If you have more than one pet, the second evaluation is FREE.

I do visits over the phone and in person for local pets. I am based in Northern California in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Payment options: Paypal ~ Money Order ~ Cashier's Check
Paypal accepts: Visa ~ Mastercard ~ American Express ~ Discover
If you are going to send a money order or a cashier's check please email
me to let me know. Thank You

$65.00 Initial Evaluation

FREE Follow Up Visit
or Second Pet Evaluation


This information is based on health and nutrition research and does not claim to be associated with veterinary medicine or anything medical.